Friday, January 27, 2012

Banana Pancakes

What do you do when you have a banana too ripe to eat, a ridiculous craving for something sweet at breakfast time and when it's been raining nonstop for a week? I had a look in my pantry to see what else I had and decided to...


Just because I'm a vegan doesn't mean I can't enjoy scrumptiously yummy foods right? :)  And while you may think that you can't make pancakes without eggs, milk and cane sugar, and that without these ingredients you'll be left with a rubbery, weird, bland tasting, crumbly disaster, think again! These pancakes are still super fluffy, and the fact that I use a plant based milk and sweetener really doesn't alter the taste much. Plus it's cruelty-free and much healthier for you!

Now I don't want you to think, because this doesn't contain these ingredients that you can still eat these everyday and not gain a little :| haha... While they are much healthier than regular pancakes, they're something that's still best kept as an occasional treat.

So with no further adue, I present...

Banana Pancakes

1 cup organic wholemeal flour
1 heaped tsp baking powder
1 Tbsp Agave nectar/syrup
Splash vanilla extract
1 ripe banana
3/4 - 1 cup organic rice milk (or almond milk)
Pinch of healthy salt (celtic or himalayan pink salt) 
Coconut or Olive oil

Mash the banana with a fork and put to the side.
In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients and mix together well.
Combine 3/4 cup rice milk, vanilla, agave and banana. Add to dry ingredients and whisk. If it's too dry add more milk. The batter should be pourable but not too runny. 
On medium-low heat, heat a little oil in a nonstick pan. 
Pour in the mix as big or small as you'd like.
When bubbles appear on top, it's ready to flip over. Cook for a further minute or 2 on the other side and remove from pan. Repeat.

Serve with real organic maple syrup, fresh strawberries and blueberries.... ENJOY   

♥ LOVE BEC ♥  


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Coconut Dream Smoothie


So I wasn't going to share any Raw recipes until I wrote my post introducing raw food and its benefits to you, but this smoothie has to be an exception because it is soooo gooood!!! I get a lot of emails from a lot of my Raw food mentors, one of which is the gorgeous Karen Knowler. I have a folder in my email that I store all my e-newsletters, a lot contain recipes etc. Eventually when I have time I go through them all and read the articles and save the recipes. So I did just this yesterday and found this smoothie recipe in one of Karen's emails.

I was so excited to try this one, that I went out and bought the ingredients straight away and made it for lunch today. I can't even begin to explain the feeling Tommy and I got when we took our first sip. Karen described it best when she said "it makes you feel comforted as if you've just drunk a big fat hug". Tommy thinks it's like similar to rice pudding and I think it's like coconut custard! You could eat it in a bowl with a spoon as a dessert as well!!

'Spiral Organic' is my favourite coconut milk. It's of course organic and available from Mrs Flannery's. However any organic coconut milk will taste delicious!!

This smoothie is the most simple, quick and easy smoothie and only requires a couple of ingredients. You can either drink it warm or cold, by putting the coconut milk in the fridge before making it.

Four simple, cheap, delicious ingredients :)

Coconut Dream Smoothie

1 can organic coconut milk
1 medium mango
4 medjool dates
1 tsp vanilla extract or scrapings from 1 vanilla bean pod

Blend all ingredients until combined.. ENJOY!! <3

Monday, January 16, 2012


Monday Morning Madness!!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you've all had an amazing 2012 thus far!

I had a pretty hectic week last week... I decided that rather than doing Psychology and Counselling Theory over the 13 week semester, that I would get it over and done with in Summer School. So 1 week, 13 weeks of content, 3 assessments, 1 fine for being on my mobile whilst driving (I was changing a song on my iPhone booo), and $180 in fuel for the week later, I have completed the subject! It was an expensive and intense week, to say the least! However it does feel amazing to have it over and done with. It was extremely interesting and I loved the subject, however, I'm glad I got it out of the way so that I can 100% focus and knuckle down on my other subjects this semester.

I had a show in Noosa on Saturday, that went off! Everybody loved it and were having a great time dancing and going silly to ABBA! Makes me love what I do even more when I see people having a great time and being entertained. My sister and I drove home after the show though so I didn't get home and into bed until 3am Sunday morning.

Anyway back on track... This morning I woke up feeling SO tired and to top it off had little to NO food in the house, so I made my FAVE trusty Avomato!!! (Avocado and Tomato on toast) Tommy and I named it Avomato about 2 years ago when we were having serious problems controlling ourselves from eating it 20 times a day! I can't say that 20 times a day is going to be good for you, but it is seriously one thing you can easily get addicted to! So the name has stuck, and I always get funny looks from people who have never heard it called that before, but it's starting to stick and friends and family call it Avomato as well now :)

It's nothing that requires a recipe, it's totally straight forward, and I'm sure a lot of you already make it, but I thought I would share it with you all anyway, as it really is super delicious, it's quick, easy and healthy.


Half an avocado
4 slices of tomato
2 slices of Dark Rye/Pumpkin & Rice or other bread (preferably not white as this is NOT healthy)
Celtic Sea Salt
Cracked black pepper
1 lemon wedge

Cook toast, spread the half avocado evenly on both slices of bread, place tomato on top, sprinkle with salt, cracked pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Deeeeelicious :)

♥ LOVE BEC ♥  


Friday, January 6, 2012

Fight Off Your Flu and BOOST Your Immune System

Well this season we have definitely been hit with the flu and viral infections. I know myself, about 2 weeks before Christmas up to a week after I had a viral infection, my sisters had it as well, but there's had progressed to pharyngitis and were verging on laryngitis. Then my parents got it but not as bad, and Tommy got it as well. I have spoken to numerous people who were also hit with this nasty infection over the Christmas period. So, because of this, I decided to do a blog on fighting the flu and building your immunity, the HEALTHY, VEGAN way, and without nasty pharmaceuticals. Most of you probably don't know that most over the counter cold & flu tablets are NOT vegan. They are also not the answer when you are sick. Cold & Flu are a suppressant and do not fight and destroy the CAUSE, rather, suppressing the symptoms so you FEEL better, but the microbes/bacteria are more than likely still in your system.

What is the immune system?

Your immune system is a collection of specialised cells, organs and tissues that work together to protect and defend the body from being attacked by foreign invaders. Primarily, these are microbes, which are tiny organisms like bacteria, fungi and parasites that can cause infections. Viruses also cause infection but cannot be named a living organism. Your body can provide a great environment for microbes, so it's the immune systems job to keep them out, or if that fails, to destroy them.


Facts - Here is a great summary about the history of garlic and botanical, culinary and medicinal facts about one of the most useful root vegetables out there: Garlic - Stinking Rose or Revered Medicine?

Remedy - One clove of raw garlic, crushed, and taken once a day (more than this might upset your tummy). If you do this before bed, you won't smell AS much the next day lol. This remedy is still used in many parts of Europe to improve immunity and help speed up recovery from colds and influenza.


Facts - Ginger has been long revered in Ayurvedic Medicine for it's healing properties and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 2,500 years, it's no doubt that ginger is a true powerhouse when it comes to the medical claims associated with it. Check out this link to read more about the healing powers of ginger: Properties of Ginger.

Remedy - Take one tablespoon of raw, minced ginger per day. Chasing it down with fresh squeezed orange juice helps to remove the strong taste from your mouth and get it down faster. You can also use ginger by putting a few slices of the raw root in hot water with lemon and agave nectar. Taken a few times a day, a fresh ginger tea will also help warm your body (in case of a cold, that is) and keep you hydrated.

Green Tea

Facts - The benefits of green tea of long been touted in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures and have received much hype in recent years for proven (and unproven) health benefits. Considering green tea is rich in phytonutrients and polyphenols it wouldn't be such a bad idea to down a few cups when you're feeling under the weather.

Remedy - Buy a premium quality organic (fair trade) Japanese or Chinese green tea to drink. As green tea still contains caffeine, limit yourself to two cups a day or opt for decaffeinated green tea.

Leafy Greens

Facts - Ok, so there is no doubt here, everybody knows it's important to eat your greens, and when you're sick, you can do no better for yourself than to eat as much leafy green as possible. Want more information on the incredible effects of greens? Read this article: The Power of Greens.

Remedy - There is no such thing as eating too many greens, so eat them how you please, however RAW is best (you're not killing the enzymes). Salads and green smoothies are the most beneficial suggestions. Haven't ever had a green smoothie before? Well if you haven't already seen my many photos and posts on them on my facebook, have a little read about them here.

Immune System Booster Juice

Another option is a fresh juice. A great combination whilst a flu or virus is present is as follows:

6 carrots
1 apple
2 stalks of celery
handful of parsley
2 cloves of garlic/1.5cm ginger

Juice the garlic/ginger first. Next juice the celery and parsley together. To juice the parsley, tuck the stems and the leaves into the grooves of the celery sticks. Finish juicing with the carrots and apple.

Olive Leaf Extract

Facts - Olive Oil is good, but Olive Leaves are better! First used medicinally in Ancient Egypt, it is now recognised as one of the greatest defenders against sickness. I am a walking, talking, breathing example, and BIBLE on this stuff! I can't even explain how many times I have had show after show after show, and especially in Canada where it was cold, my body and voice was tired and sore, and this was that special stuff in a bottle I would not have been able to get through a whole tour without. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant rich, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-viral, immune-boosting, this stuff is no joke!!! This article explains it all in much greater detail and is so interesting: Olive Leaf

Remedy - The label should designate specific dosages for different ages, but personally (I don't share my bottle) I just take a swig every now and then. More often if I'm really in a bad way, and maybe once or twice a day when I'm healthy to maintain my wellbeing.

PLEASE NOTE: Olive Leaf Extract does NOT taste good. Like most herbal remedies, it tastes foul. You can get peppermint flavour which does ease off the nasty taste a little. However all in all, it's not going to be enjoyable. You can either shot it and chase it down with water or fresh juice, or put it in your juice or smoothie etc.

Now that i have let you in on a few little secrets to help fight off your flu and boost that immune system, don't stop using these methods once you have rid the sickness. Making these little tricks a habit in your daily life will help your immune system defend your body better, and you may avoid the virus or flu when everyone else around you has it ;)

♥ LOVE BEC ♥  


Monday, January 2, 2012

Banana-Maple Oatmeal Cookies

I have so much that I want to share with you all, especially introducing the benefits of RAW food to you all :) However it is something I'm going to want to sit down with and work on until I am content that all the information you need to know is in there. Until I do this I will not be posting any Raw food recipes. This is mainly because I really want everyone to understand it first, and really develop the passion for it that I have!! By understanding it's benefits before trying a recipe, will really excite you even more, and UNcooking will be that much more stimulating and exciting!! 

Regardless, to begin the week I thought I'd give you a great recipe for a great little healthy snack! These cookies are FAT FREE and SUGAR FREE and are so yummy!!!


I use a mixture of ground chia seeds and water to mimic the consistency of eggs, but you can also use flax seeds. Grind chia seeds in a blender or coffee grinder before soaking, however if you can't grind them it will work without do so. Chia seeds (once soaked) are a great source of fiber and the highest vegetable source of Omega 3 (even higher than flaxseeds!) These fatty acids and oils are useful for absorbing fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Chia seeds are also helpful in absorbing calcium, which is important for vegetarians and vegans.

To make these gluten free, use a gluten free flour (buckwheat or spelt or other) and gluten free oats.

Banana-maple oatmeal cookies

1 tsp ground chia seeds or 2 teaspoon ground flaxseeds (linseeds)
2 Tbsp water
1 cup wholegrain oats
1 cup whole wheat/spelt/buckwheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup sultanas
1/2 tsp vanilla (either from the bean or extract)
1/2 cup real organic maple syrup
1 banana, mashed
1/2 tsp lemon juice

Preheat oven to 180 C.

In a small bowl, combine the chia seeds (or flaxseed) with the water and set aside until thickened.

Mix the oats, flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. Add the sultanas.

Add the maple syrup, vanilla, mashed banana and lemon juice to the chia/flax mixture and combine well. Pour into the dry mixture and stir well but don't overmix.

Drop in heaped tablespoons or teaspoons to make more and smaller, onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Flatten each cookie slightly with a fork. Bake for 8-12 minutes or until bottoms and sides are lightly brown. Cool for a few minutes on a wire rack before serving.

Servings: 18

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year + A video from Christmas Carols 2011


Well it is officially a new year! I am welcoming 2012 with positivity and optimism! 2011 had it's fair share of hard times!! There were moments I wanted to give up on everything and run away, and then something would happen and that little spark inside of me was ignited again. There were so many times I wondered if I was doing the right thing with my life and questioned the decisions I was making. However, things always have a way of working out and 2012 is going to be a SUPER year!!! I am so so excited about the opportunities and business endeavours I will be involved in this year! I cannot wait to share it all in full detail with you all!

One thing that I really have had to grasp a hold of is staying POSITIVE and believing in myself and that everything I'm working for will be all worth it one day. Working hard and staying dedicated and focused on my goals, have been my saviour this year. I've learned to turn negatives into positives, even when you can't see the blessing being disguised amongst the pure B/S.  

Regardless of anything bad that happened to us in 2011, we all get a chance to start a fresh. We have the choice, not just at the start of a new year, but DAILY to change our mindset, our attitude and our actions.

So, with that I leave you to ponder... It's up to us to make a change and take control of our lives and the direction it's heading.

Here is a video of my performance at the Christmas Carol Spectacular - Gold Coast, Australia, on the 23rd Dec 2011. I'm not sure why, but when I uploaded it to youtube it stretched like crazy and I can't work out how to fix it... Anyone who knows, feel free to email me and let me know :) Also, please excuse my mother's not-so-tech-savvy video skills, she accidentally put her finger over the microphone for a little bit... Enjoy

♥ LOVE BEC ♥